I have tried to no avail to get a toggle button to return to its FALSE state when an adjacent toggle button is clicked and made TRUE. When one toggle is made true several text boxes will be made visible which allows a user to enter data. Once that is completed the user uses a command button to send the data to a worksheet. What I want is when one toggle is in the TRUE state the other toggle must remain FALSE until clicked which will make the former button FALSE. Here are the code and an image of the user form
Private Sub Tractor_Click()
If Me.Tractor.Value = False Then Exit Sub
Me.Trailer.Value = False
If Tractor.Value = True Then
Unitnumber.Visible = True
AengineSN.Visible = True
tractorunit.Visible = True
Tbaengine.Visible = True
Submittractor.Visible = True
End If
End Sub
Private Sub Trailer_Click()
If Trailer.Value = True Then
If Me.Trailer.Value = False Then Exit Sub
Me.Tractor.Value = False
Unitnumber2.Visible = True
BengineSN.Visible = True
CengineSN.Visible = True
PowerendSN.Visible = True
TransmissionSN.Visible = True
TorqueconverterSN.Visible = True
RadiatorSN.Visible = True
trailerunit.Visible = True
Tbbengine.Visible = True
Tbcengine.Visible = True
Tbpowerend.Visible = True
Tbtransmission.Visible = True
Tbtorqueconverter.Visible = True
Tbradiator.Visible = True
Submittrailer.Visible = True
End If
End Sub
You are making the code a little more complex than it needs to be:
Option Explicit
Private Sub Tractor_Click()
Unitnumber.Visible = Tractor.Value
tractorunit.Visible = Tractor.Value
Unitnumber2.Visible = Not Tractor.Value
trailerunit.Visible = Not Tractor.Value
End Sub
Private Sub Trailer_Click()
Unitnumber.Visible = Not Trailer.Value
tractorunit.Visible = Not Trailer.Value
Unitnumber2.Visible = Trailer.Value
trailerunit.Visible = Trailer.Value
End Sub
A couple of notes: