Search code examples

Mongodb search in Document and subDocument through single query

I have a document with an array sub-document

I need to search on document and sub-document through a single query

I need results only of the sub-document array data, passing the criteria

Sample Data [2 documents]

  _id : ObjectId("512e28984815cbfcb21646a7"),
  name: David,
  list: [
      sport: basketball,
      score: 100
      sport: cricket,
      score: 30
      sport: rugby,
      score: 100

  _id : ObjectId("879e28664815cbfcb21622g9"),
  name: Shawn,
  list: [
      sport: basketball,
      score: 100
      sport: cricket,
      score: 50
      sport: rugby,
      score: 20

Expected Result

List of games in which David's score is 100

  • Document query name = David
  • Sub-document query score = 100

Response: [basketball, rugby]

Query tried but getting NULL is result

findOne({name:'David', "list.score": 100})


  • You can use an aggregation pipeline.

    • For name use a simple $match
    • For the array use the $filter function

    Would be this one:

      { $match: { name: "David" } },
        $set: {
          list: {
            $filter: {
              input: "$list",
              cond: {$eq: ["$$this.score", 100] }