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jenkins does not trigger build when a new tag is pushed on the same commit

I want to trigger jenkins build if a new tag is pushed to a remote repository. I have seen number of posts, but none seems to be working for me. My build is triggered successfully when I push a tag having new commits in it, but if I push a new tag on old commits it does not trigger the build.

I have configured it using git plugin in Jenkins and adding Refscpec value as +refs/tags/*:refs/remotes/origin/tags/* and Branch specifier as */tags/*

Now if run:

git push origin master
git tag release-v1
git push origin release-v1

Build is triggered successfully for tag release-v1 But now if i do:

git push origin release-v2

Build is not triggered.

This means jenkins is always looking for commit ids, if there is a new commit id linked with the tag it will build the job. But i want the jenkins job to run in case I want to release already committed code for another feature with a new tag name.


  • I was facing the same issue and created a workaround for that. I decided to tag with suffix _uat, _prod etc. which helped me to achieve the goal. You will also require two Jenkins jobs for that. One will trigger another if condition matched.

    Step 1 git tag -a release-v1_uat -m "Commit message"
    git push origin release-v1_uat

    Create two Jenkins Jobs

    Job 1
    Define repository
    In Advance section's "Refspec" field put:

    In "Branches to build" section:

    CHECK-> GitHub hook trigger for GITScm polling

    TAG=$(git describe --tags --abbrev=0)
    echo $TAG
    echo $TAG > /tmp/tagname
    result=echo $TAG | sed 's/.*\(....\)/\1/'
    if [[ $result == _uat ]]; then echo yes; else (exit 1); fi

    Click on Advance right below execute shell
    Exit code to set build unstable (It will prevent the job to get triggered from any other Tag)
    Put 1 in the Box

    Post-build Actions
    Check: Delete WorkSpace After Build

    Job 2 (Your Main Job)
    Go to "Build after other projects are built"
    Mention you job 1 name in the box and select "Trigger only if build is stable"

    Do not forget to get your tag value from the file by doing cat /tmp/tagname which generated in the job 1

    There is always a room for improvement, please share if you have some better workaround/solution.