I created a maven android project from the command line using this archetype:
19: remote -> android-quickstart (-)
I can call "mvn install" on it with success.
When I try to import the same project into Eclipse Indigo, I see this:
No marketplace entries found to handle maven-android-plugin:2.8.3:generate-sources in Eclipse. Please see Help for more information.
and this:
No marketplace entries found to handle maven-android-plugin:2.8.3:unpack in Eclipse. Please see Help for more information.
Note that there is no "Help" button here.
If I Resolve Later on these, the build fails with this:
Plugin execution not covered by lifecycle configuration: com.jayway.maven.plugins.android.generation2:maven-android-plugin:2.8.3:generate-sources (execution: default-generate-sources, phase: generate-sources) pom.xml /t3 line 22 Maven Project Build Lifecycle Mapping Problem
(and an additional error for the unpack phase)
I'll give my complete install list in a moment, but I noticed this plugin in Eclipse. I think this shouldn't be there(?), since Indigo has M2E built in...
- SonaType, Inc. Maven Integration for Eclipse 0.13.0
Maybe I installed it by accident?
Anyway, here's the rest of my deal:
Thilo-Alexander Ginkel has it right: m2eclipse-android-integration just doesn't work with Indigo Java. I followed this link, http://groups.google.com/group/maven-android-developers/browse_thread/thread/3b463cf80edc41e3, and someone suggested installing Indigo J2EE which does not come with Maven integration. Thus, to get m2Eclipse, Android, and m2Eclipse-Android-Integration it was effectively the same as Helios...you just install everything yourself.