I have a single measure in the Power BI Desktop matrix below.
The measure comes from a single table, and is a sum of a column with numerical values.
The measure is: SUM(Table[Column])
Column Group 1: Category
Column Group 2: Year
Column Group 3: Qtr (i.e. Q)
I have a scenario, in which our client wants to get the variance (difference) between 2020 Q1 of Category A and 2020 Q1 of Category B.
The new column is Q1 Variance.
In a similar manner I need the variance between 2020 Q2 of Category A and 2020 Q2 of Category B.
How do I get a new column in a matrix based on this scenario, where I subtract corresponding columns in a Year and Quarter?
Also there may be situation later in which Category A can have a year that Category B may not have.
For example, Category A may have 2018 and 2019, while Category B may have 2017 and 2018.
In this scenario, I will need the difference between the 2018 Quarters only, don't need any computation on 2017 and 2019.
Any ideas please, using DAX?
The Category selection happens via a Slicer.
Sometimes it may be Category A and Category B, other times it may be Category B and Category C, that are chosen from the Slicer.
The slicer will always choose exactly 2 categories at a time.
So, I cannot hard code anything. Everything is dynamic.
Category A may have 2018 and 2019, while Category B may have 2017 and 2018, while Category C may have 2019, 2020, 2021, etc.
Also, I might have to compare the corresponding months too. Say Jan 2019 of A will be subtracted from Jan 2019 of B (similar to the Quarter comparison).
I think we may need to use some variable to match the year, and then move to quarter, and later to month.
If you have exactly two distinct categories, you can pick one using max and one using min and calculate the variance between the two.
Variance =
VAR Cat1 = MAXX ( ALLSELECTED ( Table1 ), Table1[Category] )
VAR Cat2 = MINX ( ALLSELECTED ( Table1 ), Table1[Category] )
VAR Sum1 = CALCULATE ( SUM ( Table1[Column] ), Table1[Category] = Cat1 )
VAR Sum2 = CALCULATE ( SUM ( Table1[Column] ), Table1[Category] = Cat2 )
IF ( ISBLANK ( Sum1 ) || ISBLANK ( Sum2 ), BLANK (), Sum1 - Sum2 )
This preserves the year and quarter/month context and only changes the category context to do the calculation.