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Hostfile with Mpirun on multinode with slurm

I have two executables I would like to run in the following way: For each node I want to launch N-1 processes to exe1 and 1 exe2

On previous slurm system that worked by doing such:

#!/bin/bash -l
#SBATCH --job-name=XXX
#SBATCH --nodes=2
#SBATCH --ntasks-per-node=2
#SBATCH --mem=120GB
#SBATCH --time=04:00:00

module purge
module load intel/compiler/2020.1.217
module load openmpi/intel/4.0.5_2020.1.217

scontrol show hostname $SLURM_JOB_NODELIST | perl -ne 'chomb; print "$_"x1'> myhostall
scontrol show hostname $SLURM_JOB_NODELIST | perl -ne 'chomb; print "$_"x1'>>myhostall

mpirun --mca btl_openib_allow_ib 1 --report-bindings -hostfile myhostall -np 2 ./exe1 : -np 2 ./exe2

In this example, I have two nodes with each two tasks/node. So, exe1 should have 1 rank from each node and similarly for exe2.

If I say cat myhostall:


But in my code when priting the processor name using MPI_GET_PROCESSOR_NAME it turns out that exe1 both ranks print come-0-12 and for exe2 both prints come-0-13.

So the question is here:

How do I specify N number of tasks per each node to exe1 and M number of tasks per each node to exe2


  • You can specify 2 hostfiles, one per exe


    mpirun -np 2 --hostfile hostfile_1 exe1 : -np 2 --hostfile hostfile_2 exe2

    In each hostfile you can specify how many slots each exe will use on each node.

    for example (for see more at, in case if you want both exe1 & exe2 to have 1 CPU from each node, the hostfile_1 and hostfile_2 can be identical or perhaps even the same file:

    node1 slots=1
    node2 slots=1

    However, if hostsfile_1 and hostfile_2 contain the same nodes mpirun will likely redistribute tasks as it "thinks" more optimal.

    Another approach is to specify the same hosts file and use "--map-by node" directive (the default behaviour is "--map-by slot"), e.g.:

    mpirun -hostfile hosts.txt -np 2 --map-by node ./exe1 : -hostfile hosts.txt -np 2 --map-by node ./exe2

    where hosts.txt contains:

    node1 slots=2
    node2 slots=2

    which gives in my case (OpenMPI-4.0.4)

    EXE1 from processor node1, rank 0 out of 4 processors
    EXE1 from processor node2, rank 1 out of 4 processors
    EXE2 from processor node1, rank 2 out of 4 processors
    EXE2 from processor node2, rank 3 out of 4 processors

    Can also potentially use rankfiles (if you use OpenMPI) to tie tasks to particular CPU more explicitly, but it can be a bit cumbersome...