For example, I have a table of:
id | code | name | type | deviceType
1 | 23 | xyz | 0 | web
2 | 23 | xyz | 0 | mobile
3 | 24 | xyzc | 0 | web
4 | 25 | xyzc | 0 | web
I want the result to be:
id | code | name | type | deviceType
1 | 23 | xyz | 0 | web&mobile
2 | 24 | xyzc | 0 | web
3 | 25 | xyzc | 0 | web
How do I do this in SQL Server using UPDATE
Any help is greatly appreciated!
To do what you want, you would need two separate statements.
This updates the "first" row of each group with all the device types in the group:
update t
set t.devicetype = t1.devicetype
from mytable t
inner join (
select min(id) as id, string_agg(devicetype, '&') within group(order by id) as devicetype
from mytable
group by code, name, type
having count(*) > 1
) t1 on =
This deletes everything but the first row per group:
with t as (
select row_number() over(partition by code, name, type order by id) rn
from mytable
delete from t where rn > 1