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In python 3.5.2, how to elegantly chain an unknown quantity of functions on an object than changes type?


I am not very certain the title is clear. I am not a native english speaker so if someones has a better summary for what this post is about, please edit !


  • python 3.5.2
  • pyspark 2.3.0

The context

I have a spark dataframe. This data, before being written to elastic search, gets transformed.

In my case, I have two transformations. They are map functions on the rdd of the dataframe.

However, instead of hard writing them, I want to make it so that I can give my function (that handles the data transformation) X functions that will be, one by one, applied to the dataframe (for the first function) and/or the result of the previous transformation function.

Initial work

This is the previous state, not desired, hard written: \
        .map(transfo2) \

What I have so far

def write_to_index(self, transformation_functions: list, dataframe):
    // stuff
    for transfo in transformation_functions:
        dataframe =


However, this has a problem: if the return of the first transformation is not a dataframe, it will fail on the second iteration of the loop because the resulting object does not have a rdd property.

Working solution

        object_to_process = dataframe.rdd
        for transfo in transformation_functions:
            object_to_process =


The solution above seems to work (does throw any error at least). But I would like to know if there is a more elegant solution or any built-in python solution for this.


  • You can use this one-liner:

    from functools import reduce
    def write_to_index(self, transformation_functions: list, dataframe):
        reduce(lambda x, y:, transformation_functions, dataframe.rdd).saveAsNewAPIHadoopFile

    which, if written verbosely, should be identical to[0]) \
                 .map(transformation_functions[1]) \
                 .map(...) \