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Open webpush notification url in a popup window

I am using Django-Webpush to send push notifications to users, where clicking on the notifications it opens the URL in a new tab.

What I want to do is to open the URL in a new popup window similar to:,'height=500,width=800,resizable=yes,scrollbars=yes');

I have searched and I cannot find a way to do this with self.clients.openWindow(). It simply opens the URL in a new tab, which is not useful to me.

Is there a way or an alternative to use in the notification event listener?

self.addEventListener('notificationclick', function(event){


  • After a deep research on the matter, I discovered there is currently (December 2020) no way for the openWindow() to open the notification link in a new window. It will always force the url to open in a new tab.