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CamelCase Expansion in Vim like Intellij Idea?

In Intellij Idea, there's a feature. Let's say I have used a variable myCamelCase somewhere in my code. Then if I type mCC and press Ctrl-Enter or some such key combination, it expands to myCamelCase. Is there something similar in Vim?


  • Okay, forgive me for answering twice, but since my first attempt missed the point, I'll have another go. This is more complicated than I thought, but possibly not as complicated as I have made it (!).

    This is now modified to suggest all matching variable names.

    First of all, here's a function to generate the 'mCC' abbreviation from the 'myCamelCase' string:

    function! Camel_Initials(camel)
        let first_char = matchstr(a:camel,"^.")
        let other_char = substitute(a:camel,"\\U","","g")
        return first_char . other_char

    Now, here's a function that takes an abbreviation ('mCC') and scans the current buffer (backwards from the current line) for "words" that have this abbreviation. A list of all matches is returned:

    function! Expand_Camel_Initials(abbrev)
        let winview=winsaveview()
        let candidate=a:abbrev
        let matches=[]
            let resline = line(".")
            while resline >= 1
                let sstr = '\<' . matchstr(a:abbrev,"^.") . '[a-zA-Z]*\>'
                keepjumps let resline=search(sstr,"bW")
                let candidate=expand("<cword>")
                if candidate != a:abbrev && Camel_Initials(candidate) == a:abbrev
                    call add( matches, candidate )
            call winrestview(winview)
            if len(matches) == 0
                echo "No expansion found"
            return sort(candidate)

    Next, here's a custom-completion function that reads the word under the cursor and suggests the matches returned by the above functions:

    function! Camel_Complete( findstart, base )
        if a:findstart
            let line = getline('.')
            let start = col('.') - 1
            while start > 0 && line[start - 1] =~ '[A-Za-z_]'
                let start -= 1
            return start
            return Expand_Camel_Initials( a:base )

    To make use of this, you must define the "completefunc":

    setlocal completefunc=Camel_Complete

    To use insert-mode completion, type CTRL-X CTRL-U, but I usually map this to CTRL-L:

    inoremap <c-l> <c-x><c-u>

    With this code in your vimrc you should find that typing mCC followed by CTRL-L will make the expected replacement. If no matching expansion is found, the abbreviation is unchanged.

    The code isn't water-tight, but it works in all the simple cases I tested. Hope it helps. Let me know if anything needs elucidating.