I am new to Vuejs, I am using 4 different components, where in every component i have called the API. Here 4 different components are all same except their contents.
Now, i want to make my code effective, so i want to have a single component, the reason why i created different components is my another App.vue component has 4 different buttons, so whenever you click any of it, it will open the respective component.
But now i want to have only one component instead of four different components, and whenever the buttons in App.vue component is clicked it should open the exact content in single component(instead of 4 components).
Please do help me with this, by sharing your ideas and if any examples.
In this context, you can use props, which is a way of passing data to "child" components.
<div id="app">
<SingleComponent :button="button" />
import SingleComponent from "@/components/SingleComponent.vue";
// @/ means src/
export default {
name: "App",
components: {
data: () => ({
button: 2,
<button v-if="button === 0">...</button>
<button v-else-if="button === 1">...</button>
<button v-else-if="button === 2">...</button>
<button v-else-if="button === 3">...</button>
export default {
name: "SingleComponent",
props: {
button: {
type: Number,
required: true,
You should also take a look at slots, it is very important in Vue.js and that could also solve your problem.