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Blazor WASM wwwroot/appsettings.json not present in template

According to this article Blazor WASM loads configuration by default from wwwroot/appsettings.json and wwwroot/appsettings.{environment}.json . However, when I generate Blazor WASM apps there are no such files under wwwroot. My dotnet version is 5.0.101, I am on Ubuntu 20.04, and my target framework is net5.0 . I do see files with such names in the Server project when I create a template hosted by ASP.NET core. Is that what it's actually referring to, or am I missing something else?


  • Ok, I see what happened. I misread the docs; there are appsettings.json files under wwwroot if you had the -au Individual flag to a blazor wasm app that is not hosted by core.