am a python noob here. I was working on a project for my class, in which we had to make an image filter. I was able to get the two filters that are currently there (pixelate and add/remove colour) working separately, but when used together, they only both show if the pixelization is done before changing the colours. Is there a way to make it so that they will both show in the end, no matter the order they are called? my code is below:
# Your Filters with User Input #
def filter2():
print("Code for filter2")
addr = int(input("How much red would you like to add to the image (between -255 and 255)? "))
addg = int(input("How much green would you like to add to the image (between -255 and 255)? "))
addb = int(input("How much blue would you like to add to the image (between -255 and 255)? "))
pixels = img.getdata()
new_pixels = []
for p in pixels:
location = 0
while location < len(new_pixels):
p = new_pixels[location]
r = p[0]
g = p[1]
b = p[2]
newr = r + addr
newg = g + addg
newb = b + addb
new_pixels[location] = (newr, newg, newb)
location = location + 1
newImage ="RGB", img.size)
return newImage
def filter3():
print("Code for filter3")
img ='image.jpg')
setting = input("How much pixelization would you like (low, medium, or high)? ")
if (setting == "low"):
imgSmall = img.resize((128,128),resample=Image.BILINEAR)
newImage = imgSmall.resize(img.size,Image.NEAREST)
elif (setting == "medium"):
imgSmall = img.resize((64,64),resample=Image.BILINEAR)
newImage = imgSmall.resize(img.size,Image.NEAREST)
elif (setting == "high"):
imgSmall = img.resize((32,32),resample=Image.BILINEAR)
newImage = imgSmall.resize(img.size,Image.NEAREST)
print("Invalid setting")
return newImage
# Creates the four filter images and saves them to our files
a = grey()"grey.jpg")
b = filter1()"filter1.jpg")
c = filter2()"filter2.jpg")
d = filter3()"filter3.jpg")
# Create the combined filter image and saves it to our files"combinedFilters.jpg")
I have been working on this for the longest, and any help to solving my problem would be greatly appreciated.
Edit: this was the smallest I was able to reduce the code to, while keeping an idea of what it is supposed to do.
I got it to work as intended, I just had to remove the line that said "img ='image.jpg')" from the "filter3" function.