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How can I prevent page-break in CFDocument from occuring in middle of content?

I am generating a PDF file dynamically from html/css using the cfdocument tag. There are blocks of content that I don't want to span multiple pages.

After some searching I found that the style "page-break-inside" is supported according to the docs. However in my testing the declaration "page-break-inside: avoid" does no good.

Any suggestions on getting this style declaration to work, or have alternative suggestions?

Here is an example. I would expect the content in the div tag not to span a page break but it does. The style "page-break-inside: avoid" is not being honored.

<cfdocument format="flashpaper">
    <cfloop from="1" to="10" index="i">
        <div style="page-break-inside: avoid">
            <h1>Table Label</h1>


  • Not an ideal solution, but I've forced page breaks before blocks that need to be kept together. Use page-break-before to trigger a page break before the block.

    I don't think there is a way to specifically forbid breaking within (that is honored by the PDF engine).