I'm trying to use Azure Databricks to launch Python script that imports the library: "simple_salesforce"
I have installed the library as shown on the picture bellow, please note that while installing the library the name should be "simple-salesforce" and while importing it "simple_salesforce" (just to mention that I didn't mistaken the name): Installation of the library
As shown on the picture bellow, the library was installed successfully: simple-salesforce installed
When try to import it in my workspace, using:
import simple_salesforce
I get the following error (see the error picture bellow):
ImportError: No module named 'cryptography.hazmat.primitives.asymmetric.ed25519'
I've tried to install the "cryptography" library with the same method I used to install the other libraries (see the picture bellow), but I still get the same error: cryptography
Is there any step that I missed ?
Best regards,
You don't have the library "cryptography" installed. It is very likely that you are using a Databricks runtime version of 5.5 LTS or less, with one worker.
The problem is that you have a Databricks cluster with Python3 and the notebook is running on a Python2 kernel.
Method 1
Check if you have python 3:
python3 --version
Then install pip3:
sudo apt install python3-pip
After that you can install "cryptography"
Method 2
I highly recommand this method, which consists of using 7.4 Databricks Runtime version with a minimum of 2 workers, then you will have python3 and the library "cryptography" installed by default.
You will just need to install simple-salesforce manually from the libraries part, and:
import simple_salesforce