I am writing a Commodore BASIC interpreter in Prolog, and I am writing some DCGs to parse it. I have verified the DCGs below to work except for the variable
one. My goal is this: for anything which isn't a boolean, integer, float, or a string, it's a variable. However, anything that I give it via phrase
just results in no
bool --> [true].
bool --> [false].
integer --> [1]. % how to match nums?
float --> [0.1].
string --> [Str], {atom_chars(Str, ['"' | Chars]), last(Chars, '"')}.
literal --> bool; integer; float; string.
variable --> \+ literal.
I ran a stack trace like this (with gprolog
main :- trace, phrase(variable, [bar]).
Looking at this, I cannot figure out why variable
fails, given that it fails for each case in literal
. I'm guessing that the error is pretty simple, but I'm still stumped, so does anyone who's good at Prolog have an idea of what I'm doing wrong?
| ?- main.
The debugger will first creep -- showing everything (trace)
1 1 Call: phrase(variable,[bar]) ?
2 2 Call: variable([bar],_321) ?
3 3 Call: \+literal([bar],_348) ?
4 4 Call: literal([bar],_348) ?
5 5 Call: bool([bar],_348) ?
5 5 Fail: bool([bar],_348) ?
5 5 Call: integer([bar],_348) ?
5 5 Fail: integer([bar],_348) ?
5 5 Call: float([bar],_348) ?
5 5 Fail: float([bar],_348) ?
5 5 Call: string([bar],_348) ?
6 6 Call: atom_chars(bar,['"'|_418]) ?
6 6 Fail: atom_chars(bar,['"'|_418]) ?
5 5 Fail: string([bar],_348) ?
4 4 Fail: literal([bar],_348) ?
3 3 Exit: \+literal([bar],_348) ?
2 2 Exit: variable([bar],[bar]) ?
1 1 Fail: phrase(variable,[bar]) ?
(2 ms) no
To expand a bit on the other answer, the key problem is that a DCG rule like \+ literal
does not consume items from the input. It only checks that the next item, if any, is not a literal
To actually consume an item, you need to use a list goal, similarly to how you use a goal [1]
to consume a 1
element. So:
variable -->
\+ literal, % if there is a next element, it's not a literal
[_Variable]. % consume this next element, which is a variable
For example:
?- phrase(variable, [bar]).
?- phrase((integer, variable, float), [I, bar, F]).
I = 1,
F = 0.1.
Having that singleton variable _Variable
is a bit strange -- when you parse like this, you lose the name of the variable. When your parser is expanded a bit, you will want to use arguments to your DCG rules to communicate information out of the rules:
variable(Variable) -->
\+ literal,
For example:
?- phrase((integer, variable(Var1), float, variable(Var2)), [I, bar, F, foo]).
Var1 = bar,
Var2 = foo,
I = 1,
F = 0.1.