I'm trying to implement a quad function to draw lines. My goal is to be able to display a beam from one 3D spot to another. But I'm failing at it. Also I want to be able to specify a 3D thickness parameter in the function that draws the quad/cylinder. Do I need to draw a cylinder? if not, how do I set the 4 3D quad corner coordinates? I first tried with a quad but figured what I really needed was a cylinder, see the code in my answer, works just fine, and doesn't even use GLU at all, raw C. I edited this question, because my initial code was confussing and weird. My answer works, I repeat. Thanks!
Here is the adapted (from java) 'raw' C code I'm using to draw the cylinder:
void getFirstPerpVector(float x, float y, float z, vec3_t result)
result[0] = result[1] = result[2] = 0.0f;
// That's easy.
if (x == 0.0f || y == 0.0f || z == 0.0f) {
if (x == 0.0f)
result[0] = 1.0f;
else if (y == 0.0f)
result[1] = 1.0f;
result[2] = 1.0f;
else {
// If xyz is all set, we set the z coordinate as first and second argument .
// As the scalar product must be zero, we add the negated sum of x and y as third argument
result[0] = z; //scalp = z*x
result[1] = z; //scalp = z*(x+y)
result[2] = -(x + y); //scalp = z*(x+y)-z*(x+y) = 0
// Normalize vector
float length = 0.0f;
length += result[0] * result[0];
length += result[1] * result[1];
length += result[2] * result[2];
length = (float)sqrt(length);
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
result[i] /= length;
void drawCylinder(float x1, float y1, float z1, float x2, float y2, float z2, float thick, col_t color)
int X = 0,
Y = 1,
Z = 2;
// Get components of difference vector
float x = x1 - x2,
y = y1 - y2,
z = z1 - z2;
vec3_t firstPerp;
getFirstPerpVector(x, y, z, firstPerp);
// Get the second perp vector by cross product
vec3_t secondPerp;
secondPerp[X] = y * firstPerp[Z] - z * firstPerp[Y];
secondPerp[Y] = z * firstPerp[X] - x * firstPerp[Z];
secondPerp[Z] = x * firstPerp[Y] - y * firstPerp[X];
// Normalize vector
float length = 0.0f;
length += secondPerp[0] * secondPerp[0];
length += secondPerp[1] * secondPerp[1];
length += secondPerp[2] * secondPerp[2];
length = (float)sqrt(length);
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
secondPerp[i] /= length;
// Having now our vectors, here we go:
// First points; you can have a cone if you change the radius R1
int ANZ = C_CYLINDER_NUM_VERTICES; // number of vertices Original 32
float FULL = (float)(2.0f * M_PI),
R1 = thick;// 2.0f; // radius Original 4.0f
float points[C_CYLINDER_NUM_VERTICES + 1][3]; // 32 was ANZ
for (int i = 0; i < ANZ; i++) {
float angle = FULL * (i / (float)ANZ);
points[i][X] = (float)(R1 * (cos(angle) * firstPerp[X] + sin(angle) * secondPerp[X]));
points[i][Y] = (float)(R1 * (cos(angle) * firstPerp[Y] + sin(angle) * secondPerp[Y]));
points[i][Z] = (float)(R1 * (cos(angle) * firstPerp[Z] + sin(angle) * secondPerp[Z]));
// Set last to first
for (int x = 0; x < 3; x++)
points[ANZ][x] = points[0][x];
glVertex3f(x1, y1, z1);
for (int i = 0; i <= ANZ; i++) {
glVertex3f(x1 + points[i][X],
y1 + points[i][Y],
z1 + points[i][Z]);
glVertex3f(x2, y2, z2);
for (int i = 0; i <= ANZ; i++) {
glVertex3f(x2 + points[i][X],
y2 + points[i][Y],
z2 + points[i][Z]);
for (int i = 0; i <= ANZ; i++) {
glVertex3f(x1 + points[i][X],
y1 + points[i][Y],
z1 + points[i][Z]);
glVertex3f(x2 + points[i][X],
y2 + points[i][Y],
z2 + points[i][Z]);