I'm trying to get rect. of diffent area between two Bitmap* objects. When i pass 2 bitmap* it can run lockbits for first frame but it cannot do it for second bitmap.
Rect GetRecDifference(Bitmap* currentFrame, Bitmap* previousFrame) {
if (previousFrame == NULL) {
previousFrame = currentFrame;
else {
return Rect(0, 0, 0, 0);
BitmapData* bd1 = new BitmapData;
Rect rect1(0, 0, currentFrame->GetWidth(), currentFrame->GetHeight());
currentFrame->LockBits(&rect1, ImageLockModeRead, PixelFormat32bppARGB, bd1);
BitmapData* bd2 = new BitmapData;
Rect rect2(0, 0, previousFrame->GetWidth(), previousFrame->GetHeight());
previousFrame->LockBits(&rect2, ImageLockModeRead, PixelFormat32bppARGB, bd2);
It can run for first one (bd1*) load status ok and last result is shows ok. but when it comes to bd2 it shows status as WrongState(8).
Is this because i copy current pointer to previous one ? What's reason can be for wrong state error ? Do i need to clear some parts from memory ?
The problem is that you are trying to lock the same image twice, this
previousFrame = currentFrame;
means that both your pointers are pointing to the same image.
Instead you need a scheme that keeps two images in memory at once. Something like the following
Bitmap* current = NULL;
Bitmap* previous = NULL;
while (something)
current = getNextImage(); // get the new image
if (current && previous)
// process current and previous images
delete previous; // delete the previous image, not needed anymore
previous = current; // save the current image as the previous
delete previous; // one image left over, delete it as well
Not the only way to do it, but hopefully you get the idea.