I'm pretty new to HTTP stuff, primarily stick to iOS so please bear with me. I'm using the httpx python library to try and send a notification to an iPhone because I have to make an HTTP/2 POST to do so. Apple's Documentation says it requires ":method" and ":path" headers but I when I try to make the POST with these headers included,
headers = {
':method' : 'POST',
':path' : '/3/device/{}'.format(deviceToken),
I get the error
h2.exceptions.ProtocolError: Received duplicate pseudo-header field b':path
It's pretty apparent there's a problem with having the ":path" header included but I'm also required to send it so I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong. Apple's Documentation also says to
Encode the :path and authorization values as literal header fields without indexing.
Encode all other fields as literal header fields with incremental indexing.
I really don't know what that means or how to implement that or if it's related. I would think httpx would merge my ":path" header with the default one to eliminate the duplicate but I'm just spitballing here.
Full Traceback
File "/Users/User/.pyenv/versions/3.9.0/lib/python3.9/site-packages/httpx/_client.py", line 992, in post
return self.request(
File "/Users/User/.pyenv/versions/3.9.0/lib/python3.9/site-packages/httpx/_client.py", line 733, in request
return self.send(
File "/Users/User/.pyenv/versions/3.9.0/lib/python3.9/site-packages/httpx/_client.py", line 767, in send
response = self._send_handling_auth(
File "/Users/User/.pyenv/versions/3.9.0/lib/python3.9/site-packages/httpx/_client.py", line 805, in _send_handling_auth
response = self._send_handling_redirects(
File "/Users/User/.pyenv/versions/3.9.0/lib/python3.9/site-packages/httpx/_client.py", line 837, in _send_handling_redirects
response = self._send_single_request(request, timeout)
File "/Users/User/.pyenv/versions/3.9.0/lib/python3.9/site-packages/httpx/_client.py", line 861, in _send_single_request
(status_code, headers, stream, ext) = transport.request(
File "/Users/User/.pyenv/versions/3.9.0/lib/python3.9/site-packages/httpcore/_sync/connection_pool.py", line 218, in request
response = connection.request(
File "/Users/User/.pyenv/versions/3.9.0/lib/python3.9/site-packages/httpcore/_sync/connection.py", line 106, in request
return self.connection.request(method, url, headers, stream, ext)
File "/Users/User/.pyenv/versions/3.9.0/lib/python3.9/site-packages/httpcore/_sync/http2.py", line 119, in request
return h2_stream.request(method, url, headers, stream, ext)
File "/Users/User/.pyenv/versions/3.9.0/lib/python3.9/site-packages/httpcore/_sync/http2.py", line 292, in request
self.send_headers(method, url, headers, has_body, timeout)
File "/Users/User/.pyenv/versions/3.9.0/lib/python3.9/site-packages/httpcore/_sync/http2.py", line 330, in send_headers
self.connection.send_headers(self.stream_id, headers, end_stream, timeout)
File "/Users/User/.pyenv/versions/3.9.0/lib/python3.9/site-packages/httpcore/_sync/http2.py", line 227, in send_headers
self.h2_state.send_headers(stream_id, headers, end_stream=end_stream)
File "/Users/User/.pyenv/versions/3.9.0/lib/python3.9/site-packages/h2/connection.py", line 770, in send_headers
frames = stream.send_headers(
File "/Users/User/.pyenv/versions/3.9.0/lib/python3.9/site-packages/h2/stream.py", line 865, in send_headers
frames = self._build_headers_frames(
File "/Users/User/.pyenv/versions/3.9.0/lib/python3.9/site-packages/h2/stream.py", line 1252, in _build_headers_frames
encoded_headers = encoder.encode(headers)
File "/Users/User/.pyenv/versions/3.9.0/lib/python3.9/site-packages/hpack/hpack.py", line 249, in encode
for header in headers:
File "/Users/User/.pyenv/versions/3.9.0/lib/python3.9/site-packages/h2/utilities.py", line 496, in inner
for header in headers:
File "/Users/User/.pyenv/versions/3.9.0/lib/python3.9/site-packages/h2/utilities.py", line 441, in _validate_host_authority_header
for header in headers:
File "/Users/User/.pyenv/versions/3.9.0/lib/python3.9/site-packages/h2/utilities.py", line 338, in _reject_pseudo_header_fields
raise ProtocolError(
h2.exceptions.ProtocolError: Received duplicate pseudo-header field b':method'
devServer = "https://api.sandbox.push.apple.com:443"
title = "some title"
notification = { "aps": { "alert": title, "sound": "someSound.caf" } }
client = httpx.Client(http2=True)
r = client.post(devServer, json=notification, headers=headers)
Just need to append '/3/device/{}'.format(deviceToken)
to the devServer url as the path, and the ":path" pseudo-header will be automatically set to it.
that is,
devServer = 'https://api.sandbox.push.apple.com:443/3/device/{}'.format(deviceToken)
The ":path", ":method" and ":scheme" pseudo-headers generally wouldn't need to be added manually in http2