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How to create a dictionary with a slash as key in postscript

So I know these basic dict commands in Postscript:

i dict creates a dictionary with i entries

d begin moves dictionary d to the dictionary stack

end removes the topmost dictionary from the dictionary stack

d n w put store value w under name n in dictionary d

d n get get the value of name n in dictionary d, and put it on the stack

What I would like to do is create a dictionary that represents the associativity of differend operands. The + operand and the - operand share the same priority, therefor they are both set to 0, the * and / operands also share the same priority, but have higher priority than + and - and are therefor set to 1 and so on...

The Problem is, that I am not able to set the dictionary key to / as it is treated as some kind of "delimiter". Is there any way around this, since i cannot change the keys, and I cannot create a dict like this:

/prioritydict 5 dict def
prioritydict /(-) 0 put
prioritydict /(+) 0 put
prioritydict /(*) 1 put
prioritydict /(/) 1 put
prioritydict /(^) 2 put

nor like this:

/prioritydict 5 dict def
prioritydict /- 0 put
prioritydict /+ 0 put
prioritydict /* 1 put
prioritydict // 1 put
prioritydict /^ 2 put

Any help is greatly appreciated


  • You could use the cvn (convert to name) operator to turn a string of any form you want into a literal name. These should all be equivalent:

    prioritydict <2f> cvn 1 put
    prioritydict (\/) cvn 1 put
    prioritydict (\057) cvn 1 put