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Is there a way to convert the plot derived from Spatstat's K function into a ggplot or grob?

I am trying to use ggarrange from ggpubr to create a multiple plot of Ripley's K function from spatstat, i.e. I calculate Ripley's K using Kest() for 5 landscapes and then plot them all together. Such as:


However I am returning the error "Cannot convert object of class data.frame into a grob" when I try to use:


Similarly I return the error "Only know how to add ggplots and/or grobs" when I use patchwork and the code:


Would anyone know how I could plot the output of multiple Ripley's K function as a single plot? i.e. convert the output of spatstat's Kest() into a plot that can be manipulated using one of the above lines of code?


  • The spatstat package uses base graphics. The built-in way to plot multiple estimated K-functions would be something along the lines below. The returned output from Kest is a data.frame with the different estimates as columns so you can plot it using ggplot by using the relevant aesthetics yourself.

    X1 <- rpoispp(100)
    X2 <- rpoispp(100)
    X3 <- rpoispp(100)
    X4 <- rpoispp(100)
    X5 <- rpoispp(100)
    Xlist <- solist(X1, X2, X3, X4, X5)
    plot(Xlist, main = "", main.panel = "")

    Klist <- lapply(Xlist, Kest)
    Klist <- as.anylist(Klist)
    plot(Klist, main = "", main.panel = "")