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Why doesn't Marklogic data hub restart after reboot

I have installed ML Data Hub 4.3.2 ( I already have ML 9 server running on the same box ) on Red Hat Enterprise linux 7.6 using the quick-start-4.3.2.war file. This is done as root user ( its a Dev box ).

It installs and starts OK on port 9000, and I can go through and configure a project.

But, when I reboot the server, it wont restart and I am unsure on how to manually restart the services.

I tried to restart apache but it seems apache is not installed on the linux box.

How do I get the MarkLogic Data Hub to restart after a reboot, or is it designed not to do that?

Any help appreciated.



  • It sounds like you are talking about getting the Data Hub Quick Start to start automatically after a reboot. Quick Start is just a development tool, so is not actually 'installed' on the host server, it is just launched on the host server.

    There are a number of different approaches to doing this, here are a couple of options:

    The answers on this question detail many of them:

    The easiest of the options mentioned in those answers is using the crontab.