Search code examples

Detect if a month is missing and insert them automatically with a select statement (MSSQL)

I am trying to write a select statement which detects if a month is not existent and automatically inserts that month with a value 0. It should insert all missing months from the first entry to the last entry.

Example: My table looks like this:

enter image description here

After the statement it should look like this:

enter image description here


  • You need a recursive CTE to get all the years in the table (and the missing ones if any) and another one to get all the month numbers 1-12.
    A CROSS join of these CTEs will be joined with a LEFT join to the table and finally filtered so that rows prior to the first year/month and later of the last year/month are left out:

      limits AS (
        SELECT MIN(year) min_year, -- min year in the table
               MAX(year) max_year, -- max year in the table
               MIN(DATEFROMPARTS(year, monthnum, 1)) min_date, -- min date in the table 
               MAX(DATEFROMPARTS(year, monthnum, 1)) max_date  -- max date in the table
        FROM tablename
      years(year) AS ( -- recursive CTE to get all the years of the table (and the missing ones if any)
        SELECT min_year FROM limits
        UNION ALL
        SELECT year + 1 
        FROM years
        WHERE year < (SELECT max_year FROM limits)
      months(monthnum) AS ( -- recursive CTE to get all the month numbers 1-12
        SELECT 1 
        UNION ALL
        SELECT monthnum + 1
        FROM months
        WHERE monthnum < 12
    SELECT y.year, m.monthnum,
           DATENAME(MONTH, DATEFROMPARTS(y.year, m.monthnum, 1)) month,
           COALESCE(value, 0) value
    FROM months m CROSS JOIN years y
    LEFT JOIN tablename t 
    ON t.year = y.year AND t.monthnum = m.monthnum
    WHERE DATEFROMPARTS(y.year, m.monthnum, 1) 
          BETWEEN (SELECT min_date FROM limits) AND (SELECT max_date FROM limits)
    ORDER BY y.year, m.monthnum 

    See the demo.