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Dot notation in Nunjucks sorting isn't working

I'm using Eleventy (11ty) with Nunjucks. I have some JSON data that I am trying to sort. The Jinja documentation says that you can sort by attribute using dot notation, but when I try sorting by, nothing happens:

{% for item in testData|sort(attribute="") %}
  {{ }}
{% endfor %}

It does work if I sort without dot notation/by a top level field (name):

{% for item in testData|sort(attribute="name") %}
  {{ }}
{% endfor %}

My test data (testData.json):

    "name": "AAA",
      "city": "A?"
    "salary": 2,
    "married": true
    "name": "III",
    "address": {
      "city": "D?"
    "salary": 1,
    "married": true


  • So, as seen in the comments to my question, sorting by dot notation isn't supported in Nunjucks currently.

    What I did in the end, to get what I needed in my Nunjucks template in Eleventy, was to create a custom filter, inside of .eleventy.js, along the lines of:

    eleventyConfig.addFilter("sortByCity", arr => {
      arr.sort((a, b) => ( > ( ? 1 : -1);
      return arr;

    Then, in my Nunjucks template:

    {% for item in testData | sortByCity %}
      {{ }}
    {% endfor %}

    I know this answer is more 11ty-specific, but I think this could quite possibly work for other environments to extend Nunjucks. Hopefully this will be of help to someone else in the future. Nunjucks docs about Filters are here