we are using zte usb modem. we try to call by AT command (ATD) successfully. But there is no sound when remote device answered. Does anyone have any idea?
My problem was associated with ZTE usb modem. I solved the problem. i can receive and send voice separately to voice port now. But i can not get clean sound like WCDMA UI. how can i receive and send data with high quality?
Please look at my source code. [http://serv7.boxca.com/files/0/z9g2d59a8rtw6n/ModemDial.zip]
Does anyone now where is my error?
Thank you for your time.
a) Not all zte usb modems supports voice, to detect if modem supports check for ZTE voUSB Device in your ports list.
b) If port present, voice will go through it in pcm format, with 64kbps frequency (8000 samples per sec, 8 sample size).
In your own program, you should read audio stream from there. stream is additionaly encoded with g.711, so you need to decode it before sending to audio device