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primeNG multiselect on change not triggered on chips removal

below is a sample of my code. A primeng multiselect is the source of a primeng dropdown:


<p-multiSelect [options]="elements" [(ngModel)]="selectedElements" optionLabel="name" display="chip"
<p-dropdown [options]="availableElements" [(ngModel)]="selectedElement" optionLabel="elementID"
      placeholder="Select an Element"></p-dropdown>


onElementChange(event) {
  this.availableElements = [];
  this.availableElements = event.value;

Selecting elements from the multiselect dropdown is full working, but when I remove an element from the multiselect chips, then the onChange event is not triggered:

enter image description here

How can I trigger the onChange? Is it a not supported event? Thanks in advance.


  • It's considered a bug of the component because the internal state has been updated when you remove it... so temporarily you need to update the state by using onClick event and a template variable to get the component value.

    <p-multiSelect [options]="cities" 
            defaultLabel="Select a City" optionLabel="name"
            (onClick)="selectedCities2 = elm.value" 
    {{selectedCities2| json}}

    stackblitz demo