I'm trying to get the active C# Editor IWpfTextView in VS2019 extension. I'm using a small MEF service to inject a view into the VSAsyncPackage. But it is not very reliable - sometimes the injected view is wrong (e.g. from another view) or missing. Here is the service:
public interface IActiveViewAccessor
IWpfTextView? ActiveView { get; }
internal sealed class ActiveViewConnectionListener : IWpfTextViewConnectionListener, IActiveViewAccessor
public IWpfTextView? ActiveView { get; private set; }
public void SubjectBuffersConnected(IWpfTextView textView, ConnectionReason reason, Collection<ITextBuffer> subjectBuffers)
this.ActiveView = textView;
public void SubjectBuffersDisconnected(IWpfTextView textView, ConnectionReason reason, Collection<ITextBuffer> subjectBuffers)
this.ActiveView = null;
This service is being injected into the VSPackage as:
this.viewAccessor = this.exportProvider.GetExportedValue<IActiveViewAccessor>();
and it is being used as:
var view = this.viewAccessor?.ActiveView;
Is there a better and more stable way to get IWpfTextView in the async VSPackage?
So far, here are some related questions but not exactly what I'd expected:
After a bit of debugging and exploring, I concluded that my initial approach is very naive. Because IWpfTextViewConnectionListener
is only firing once per editor window in a simple case, and it's not firing during switching between already connected views.
After experimenting with it and sneaking into VsVim > VsAdapter.cs I've changed IActiveViewAccessor
to the this:
public interface IActiveViewAccessor
IWpfTextView? ActiveView { get; }
internal sealed class ActiveViewAccessor : IActiveViewAccessor
private readonly SVsServiceProvider serviceProvider;
private readonly IVsEditorAdaptersFactoryService editorAdaptersFactoryService;
public ActiveViewAccessor(
SVsServiceProvider vsServiceProvider,
IVsEditorAdaptersFactoryService editorAdaptersFactoryService)
this.serviceProvider = vsServiceProvider;
this.editorAdaptersFactoryService = editorAdaptersFactoryService;
public IWpfTextView? ActiveView
IVsTextManager2 textManager =
serviceProvider.GetService<SVsTextManager, IVsTextManager2>();
if (textManager == null)
return null;
int hr = textManager.GetActiveView2(
fMustHaveFocus: 1,
pBuffer: null,
grfIncludeViewFrameType: (uint)_VIEWFRAMETYPE.vftCodeWindow,
ppView: out IVsTextView vsTextView);
if (ErrorHandler.Failed(hr))
return null;
return editorAdaptersFactoryService.GetWpfTextView(vsTextView);