I have an input (dropdown
) where upon getting a new input, I want to check something about both the old and the new input. However, I have the data (old input) only in an async format.
<p-dropdown [options]="valueOptions" [ngModel]="storeValue$ | async"
(ngModelChange)="checkChange($event, ???)" </p-dropwdown>
if the old value were not async, I could do the following :
<p-dropdown [options]="valueOptions" [ngModel]="storeValue"
(ngModelChange)="checkChange($event, storeValue)" </p-dropwdown>
or if the store value were not nullable, I could do
<p-dropdown *ngIf="storeValue$ | async as val" [options]="valueOptions" [ngModel]="val"
(ngModelChange)="checkChange($event, val)" </p-dropwdown>
Given that the value is nullable and that it is also async, how can I access it in the checkChange function?
You can use tap operator to store the initial value. then you can compare with current value.
storeValue$.pipe(tap(value=>this.initialValue = value));
this.initialValue === newValue;