I wish to store some XTS objects as data frames within a list in R.
The XTS objects are stock price data collected using the tidyquant package, I need to convert these objects to data frames and store them in a list. I have one additional requirement, I only want to retain the index column and the closing price column for each stock.
I have tried using dplyr syntax to select the columns of interest but my code fails to select column indexes greater than 2
Error: Can't subset columns that don't exist.
x Locations 3 and 4 don't exist.
i There are only 2 columns.
This is the code I am using but I am struggling to understand how I can't select the closing price from my 'fortified' data frames
tickers = c("AAPL","AMZN")
from = '2015-01-01',
to = today(),
warnings = FALSE,
auto.assign = TRUE)
dfList <- list()
for (i in tickers) {
dfList[[i]] <- fortify.zoo(i) %>%
When I convert an individual XTS object to a data frame using fortify.zoo I can select the columns of interest but not when I loop through them.
fortify.zoo(AAPL) %>% select(c(1,5)) %>% head(n = 10)
Can anyone help me understand where I am falling down in my understanding on this issue please?
It is better to initialize a list
with fixed length and name
it with the tickers
. In the OP's code, it is looping over the tickers
directly, so each 'i' is the ticker name which is a string
dfList <- vector('list', length(tickers))
names(dfList) <- tickers
As the i
here is a string name of the object "AAPL"
or "AMZN"
, we can use get
to return the value of that object from the global env
for (i in tickers) {
dfList[[i]] <- fortify.zoo(get(i)) %>%
-check the dimensions
sapply(dfList, dim)
#[1,] 1507 1507
#[2,] 2 2
Another approach is mget
to return all those objects into a list
dfList2 <- mget(tickers) %>%
map(~ fortify.zoo(.x) %>%
select(1, 5))