Search code examples

React Redux onDeleteClick isNot Function

I am using react-bootstrap-table to implemetnt table in react. My problem is onDeleteClick method. In the example below, this function works correctly.

const StorehouseListTest = ({ storehouses, onDeleteClick }) => (
  <table className="table">
        <th />
      { => {
        return (
          <tr key={}>
              <Link to={"/skladiste/" + storehouse.slug}>{storehouse.storehouse_name}</Link>
                className="btn btn-outline-danger"
                onClick={() => onDeleteClick(storehouse)}

However, in the code below I use react-bootstrap-table-next when I want to include onDeleteClick in function actionsLink button and I get the error that "onDeleteClick is not a function" when press button.

import React from "react";
import PropTypes from "prop-types";

import BootstrapTable from 'react-bootstrap-table-next';
import ToolkitProvider, { Search } from 'react-bootstrap-table2-toolkit';
import paginationFactory from 'react-bootstrap-table2-paginator';

const { SearchBar } = Search;

function actionsLink(cell, row) {
  return (
            <div className="btn-group">
                href={"/skladiste/" + row.slug}
                className="btn btn-md btn-outline-success icon-btn borderless"
                <i className="ion ion-md-search"></i>
                className="btn btn-outline-danger"
                onClick={() => this.onDeleteClick(row.slug)}


const columns =  [
        dataField: "id",
        text: "ID"
        dataField: "storehouse_name",
        text: "Storehouse name"
        dataField: "available",
        text: "Available"
        dataField: "id",
        text: "Actions"
        formatter: actionsLink

const StorehouseList = ({ storehouses, onDeleteClick }) => (
        data={ storehouses } 
        columns={ columns } 
        {props => (
                <SearchBar { ...props.searchProps } />
                <hr />

StorehouseList.propTypes = {
  storehouses: PropTypes.array.isRequired,
  onDeleteClick: PropTypes.func.isRequired

export default StorehouseList;

Does anyone have a suggestion on how to solve this problem?


  • In actionsLink you cannot use this.onDeleteClick because it is only passed to StorehouseList.

    It looks like react-bootstrap-table2-toolkit has the option to pass extra data to the formatter, so you can use this to pass onDeleteClick to your actionsLink by including it as extra data for your column formatter:

    Note that you'll need to define columns inside of StorehouseList in order to use the onDeleteClick that's passed to it:

    const StorehouseList = ({ storehouses, onDeleteClick }) => {
        const columns =  [
                dataField: "id",
                text: "Actions"
                formatter: actionsLink,
                formatExtraData: { onDeleteClick },
        return (

    Then in actionsLink use the fourth argument to get formatExtraData.onDeleteClick:

    function actionsLink(cell, row, rowIndex, formatExtraData) {
                onClick={() => formatExtraData.onDeleteClick(row.slug)}