I am doing a POST request with the following akka http request side api.
I found that akka http for post doesn't support retries.
// max-retries = 3 // AKKA http default value is 5, and it doesn't work for POST request
Then what would be the best approach for doing a retry in case of POST request .
You can try something like this, based on akka.pattern.retry
object Example {
case class RetryConfig(attempts: Int, minBackoff: FiniteDuration, maxBackoff: FiniteDuration, randomFactor: Double)
class SingleRequestClient(implicit system: ActorSystem) {
def request(request: HttpRequest): Future[HttpResponse] = {
object SingleRequestClient {
def apply(implicit system: ActorSystem): SingleRequestClient = {
new SingleRequestClient
def apply(config: RetryConfig)(implicit system: ActorSystem, ex: ExecutionContext): SingleRequestClient = {
new SingleRequestClient {
override def request(request: HttpRequest): Future[HttpResponse] = {
attempt = () => super.request(request),
attempts = config.attempts,
minBackoff = config.minBackoff,
maxBackoff = config.maxBackoff,
randomFactor = config.randomFactor
)(ex, system.scheduler)
Additionally, You should set max-retries to 0.
Ofc it works only with Future.failed so if you want to retry request on status != 200, you can change the basic implementation a little
class SingleRequestClient(implicit system: ActorSystem, ex: ExecutionContext) {
def request(request: HttpRequest): Future[HttpResponse] = {
Http().singleRequest(request).map {
case res: HttpResponse if res.status.isSuccess => res
case res: HttpResponse if res.status.isFailure =>
throw new Exception(s"Cannot process request dou to ${res.status.intValue} status")