I am using this snippet plugin in zsh shell and wanted to customize it. How I can customize the cursor's position to a specific place after expanding the snippet (like the editors usually do with the completion).
I write l
and press Ctrl-d to expand it so it becomes $(line )
but the cursor goes after the entire snippet, I want it to be inside the snippet so I can write a number after the line
and before the character )
This is the function responsible for the snippet expanding ( I still didn't edit anything from the source code, it is still the same as the repository ):
snippet-expand () {
emulate -L zsh
setopt extendedglob
local MATCH
Everything you append to $LBUFFER
will appear immediately to the left of the cursor. Conversely, everything you prepend to $RBUFFER
will appear immediately to the right of the cursor. So, split your snippet into two parts and do
LBUFFER="$LBUFFER<left half of your snippet>"
RBUFFER="<right half of your snippet>$RBUFFER"