I have this dataframe in r (link) (Example rows and columns below)
FocalID Mother Adelaide Asimov Austen Brazzaville Lusaka Kinshasa
Adelaide HalfEar 0 0.0380 0.0417 0.0366 0.0278 0.0385
Asimov Lusaka 0.0380 0 0.0845 0.0357 0.169 0.0641
Austen Kinshasa 0.0417 0.0845 0 0.0526 0.0952 0.0411
Brazzaville NA 0.0366 0.0357 0.0526 0 0.0395 0.0488
I would like to add a new variable, df$cor, in which the value in each row is the result of a correlation. The correlation should be between two vectors: (1) the column whose colname corresponds to the value of the variable df$FocalID in that row, and (2) the column whose colname corresponds to the value of the variable df$Mother in that row.
If the vector correspondent to the column that matches the mother's name is absent (either because the mother is not known (NA in df$Mother) or absent from colnames), the correlation should produce an NA.
I have tried the following code:
df$cor <- cor(df[, colnames(df) %in% df$FocalID], df[, colnames(df) %in% df$Mother])
However, the result doesn't seem right. Any idea?
If we need to do this for each pairwise column, we check whether the 'FocalID', 'Mother' columns are non-NA with complete.cases
. Then, loop over the columns specifying subsetting only the non-NA columns, with apply
and MARGIN = 1
, do a check for whether those elements are %in%
the column names of the dataset, select the data, apply cor
and create the new column Cor
i1 <- complete.cases(df[1:2])
df$Cor <- NA_real_
df$Cor[i1] <- apply(df[i1, 1:2], 1, function(x)
if(all(x %in% names(df))) cor(df[, x[1]], df[, x[2]]) else NA)
#[1] NA 0.09769710 0.26956397 NA 0.04820137 -0.07776837 NA 0.19553956 -0.09596063 NA 0.04806345
#[12] 0.66489746 NA NA NA -0.04254666 -0.05975570 0.47359966 0.09745244 NA NA 0.24750130
#[23] NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 0.10822526 NA 0.07093166
#[34] NA NA -0.18088278 -0.17548394 0.11585058 0.07278060 0.36327624 0.10178624 NA NA NA
#[45] 0.20491334 NA
Or using rowwise
from dplyr
df <- df %>%
rowwise %>%
mutate(Cor = if(!is.na(FocalID) & !is.na(Mother) &
all(c(FocalID, Mother) %in% names(.)))
cor(df[[FocalID]], df[[Mother]]) else NA_real_)
df <- read_excel(file.choose(), na = "NA")