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Lombok - value might not have been initialized

I'm using Lombok (I have the plugin installed and I also restarted the IDE), however I'm getting a strange error. Here's my code:

public class ParserExecutorService implements CommandLineRunner {

    String inputDirectory;

    public void run(String... args) throws Exception {

    public void getLogFiles() {

        File inputDirectory = new File(inputDirectory);

The last line throws an error:

Value 'inputDirectory' might not have been initialized

However, when I provide there a normal String, i.e.:

File inputDirectory = new File("c:/temp");

and I print the "inputDirectory" below that, then it is visible with a proper value in the console.

So, why on Earth it throws this error while using this property?

I tried setting it to

private final String inputDirectory;

but it didn't help either.


  • This has nothing to do with lombok whatsoever.

    File inputDirectory = new File(inputDirectory);

    That line is an error no matter how you slice it. The inputDirectory in new File(inputDirectory) is a reference to the very inputDirectory variable you have declared on this line. Which, obviously, is not initialised yet.

    hence, lombok is unrelated to this.

    The fix? Easy - use another name, because this is confusing. Alternatively: File inputDirectory = new File(this.inputDirectory); - disambiguate, make sure javac understands that the second usage of inputDirectory is referring to the field, whereas the first is referring to 'please make me a new local variable named inputDirectory that shadows the field also named inputDirectory'.