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What application can read and write data to Snowflake?

I have been tasked with creating an application or using an existing one (Access, Excel, Power Apps) that allows users to read Snowflake data and also allow update, insert and delete operations. I am pretty sure Excel, Access and PowerApps are read only. PowerApps would also run 10 bucks a month for an app that currently only needs to be used once a quarter.

I was hoping I could used ODBC, but it looks like that only reads, no writeback. I do have the ability to use a SQL server as a middle man. I thought I would use ADF to mirror the data being modified with truncate and loads to Snowflake. But if I could skip that link in the chain it would be preferable.



  • There are a couple of tools that can help you and business users read and write back to Snowflake. Many users then use Streams and Tasks on the table that is updated to automate further processing on Snowflake.

    Some examples:

    1. Open-source Excelerator - Excel plug-in to write to Snowflake
    2. Sigma Computing - a cloud-native, serverless Excel / BI tool