Search code examples

How to display the total count of the last row by filestatus?

I have to display the total count of the last row by filestatus.


bank_id | b_orderno| b_bankname| lead_id
     1  | 01-01    | 1         |  1
     2  | 01-02    | 2         |  1
     3  | 02-01    | 3         |  2
     4  | 03-01    | 1         |  3


f_id | f_bankid| f_filestatus
  1  |      1  | 1
  2  |      2  | 1
  3  |      2  | 2
  4  |      1  | 2
  5  |      1  | 3
  6  |      3  | 2 
  7  |      3  | 3  

I have two tables tbl_bankdata and tbl_fileStatus. I am sending bank_id in the tbl_fileStatus as a f_bank_id.

Now I have to show the last f_bankid count.

For example, I have to fetch the count where f_filestatus=1. so my output will be 0. Why 0 because f_bankid 1 and 2 have a f_filestatus=1 but f_bankid 1 and 2 have the last row with f_filestatus the 3 and 2.

If I have to count f_filestatus=2 then I will get the output 1 and if count f_filestatus=3 then the output will be 2. why 2 because f_bank_id 1 have f_filestatus 3 and f_bank_id 3 have f_filestatus 3

This is my query

select (
    SELECT COUNT(f_id) 
    FROM tbl_fileStatus 
    WHERE f_filestatus=1 and f_id IN (
        SELECT MAX(f_id) FROM tbl_fileStatus GROUP BY f_bankid
) as tcount

Would you help me out with this issue?

After suggested by @forpas

    FROM   tbl_filestatus t
    WHERE  1 = (SELECT f_filestatus
                FROM   tbl_filestatus
                WHERE  f_bankid = t.f_bankid
                ORDER  BY f_id DESC
                LIMIT  1)) AS tcount1,
   (SELECT Count(DISTINCT f_bankid)
    FROM   tbl_filestatus t
    WHERE  2 = (SELECT f_filestatus
                FROM   tbl_filestatus
                WHERE  f_bankid = t.f_bankid
                ORDER  BY f_id DESC
                LIMIT  1)) AS tcount2,
   (SELECT Count(DISTINCT f_bankid)
    FROM   tbl_filestatus t
    WHERE  3 = (SELECT f_filestatus
                FROM   tbl_filestatus
                WHERE  f_bankid = t.f_bankid
                ORDER  BY f_id DESC
                LIMIT  1)) AS tcount3  


  • Use a correlated subquery:

    SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT f_bankid) AS tcount
    FROM tbl_fileStatus t
    WHERE ? = (SELECT f_filestatus FROM tbl_fileStatus WHERE f_bankid = t.f_bankid ORDER BY f_id DESC LIMIT 1)

    Replace ? with the f_bankid you search for.
    See the demo.

    In MySql 8.0+ you can use FIRST_VALUE() window function:

    SELECT COUNT(*) AS tcount
    FROM (
      SELECT DISTINCT f_bankid, 
             FIRST_VALUE(f_filestatus) OVER (PARTITION BY f_bankid ORDER BY f_id DESC) f_filestatus
      FROM tbl_fileStatus
    ) t
    WHERE f_filestatus = ?

    See the demo.

    If you want results for all f_filestatus in 1 row:

      SUM(f_filestatus = 1) AS tcount1,
      SUM(f_filestatus = 2) AS tcount2,
      SUM(f_filestatus = 3) AS tcount3
    FROM (
      SELECT t.f_bankid, t.f_filestatus
      FROM tbl_fileStatus t
      WHERE t.f_id = (SELECT f_id FROM tbl_fileStatus WHERE f_bankid = t.f_bankid ORDER BY f_id DESC LIMIT 1)
    ) t

    See the demo.

    > tcount1 | tcount2 | tcount3
    > ------: | ------: | ------:
    >       0 |       1 |       2