I'm trying to connect my custom Substrate blockchains to Polkadot with Cumulus, by following the reference https://substrate.dev/cumulus-workshop/#/, I have successfully install Substrate, Relay Chain Node, and Collator Template.
Then, followed the reference, use the built-in rococo-loca to create my own chain spec file. When I move to the next part Launch Relay Chain, I have met some problems, by following the reference https://substrate.dev/cumulus-workshop/#/2-relay-chain/2-launch, I'm going to start Alice's Node, after the node starts I suppose to see several log messages, but it didn't.
How can I solve this problem, or do I miss something to do? Thanks~
It supposes to look like this:
polkadot \
--chain spec.json \
--tmp \
--ws-port 9944 \
--port 30333 \
Local node identity is: 12D3KooWLRPJAA6CrXP14FRJztzCh4JmgtRzKWpiBjL3BtseEfyv
But I get this error:
user1215@ubuntu:~/substrate-node-template/polkadot/target/release$ polkadot \
> chain spec.json \
> tmp \
> ws-port 9944 \
> port 30333 \
> alice
polkadot: command not found
Seems you're not familiar with Linux. I recommend you learn some Linux first.
In this case, you should run ./polakadot
instead polkadot
./polkadot \
--chain spec.json \
--tmp \
--ws-port 9944 \
--port 30333 \
# or this will work for you
~/substrate-node-template/polkadot/target/release/polkadot \
--chain spec.json \
--tmp \
--ws-port 9944 \
--port 30333 \