I want to stream a video from my computer to another computer using http
in vlc
. I have read the steps of how to do the streaming of the video from here
But here they have explain how you can stream from the PC and use the same one to receive the video but I want to stream to the other computer.
Here what steps I have followed till now:
from media
from drop down menu and click on Add but here the problem is it is only giving me the option to choose the port number and giving some path but not giving the option of entering the IP
address of the receiver side.If I didn't give any IP so how it will know where to stream, If in the above step I just click on next after choosing port number it will show me to choose codec
If i choose the codec then in the next screen it will give me the stream string output
, Now in this stream string output
which is given below
:sout=#transcode{vcodec=hevc,acodec=mpga,ab=128,channels=2,samplerate=44100,scodec=none}:duplicate{dst=http{mux=ffmpeg{mux=flv},dst=:8080/},dst=display} :no-sout-all :sout-keep
It is clearly visible that the dst=:8080
but it didn't mention on which IP it should stream. I just want to know how can I add the IP so that destination will look like dst= myReceiverIP:port
You just can't send the packets to any computer in the internet as they won't receive it because the routers will decline the packets coming from unknown resources so even if the VLC
application in your system is showing that you are sending the stream properly it doesn't mean that it is reaching to the destination properly.
So then how can you send the stream to the PC available in the internet, First you have to make sure that whatever system you are sending the stream to should be present in the public sub net, It simply means you should be able to ping that system from your system, to check whether are you able to ping
a system or not open your terminal in Ubuntu and then run the following command
ping destination_ip_address
if it is receiving the ping
successfully that means you can stream your video to that ip
For example, I am showing you by ping
to my own system.
As you can see there is 0%
packet loss here.
Now after you check that you are able to ping
the system now to stream the video follow the below steps:
Now click on the Media from menu and then Stream from the menu list. Now you will see the same dialog as below
Now click on ADD and choose the video which you wanted to stream and click on STREAM
button on bottom. Now it will show you the below screen.
Now click Next
Now here you have to select the streaming method so you choose http
as you want but here I will use UDP
for my convenience and also tick the display locally
and you will be given option to enter the IP
address of the system where you wanted to do the streaming and the port numbwe. I am giving my local ip
here and the default port number but you need to enter your destination system IP
and can choose any port but I will preferred to use the default one.Stream
and now you are streaming your video to the destination IPNow After performing the above steps successfully, Now in your Destination system. You need to do the following steps:
from the MENU bar and the Open Network Stream
to receive the stream. As I used the UDP
so I will write it as
here 1234
is the port number where I want my VLC
to listen for the stream.
Now click on play
and after some seconds you will see your streamed video there.
Voila you successfully streamed the video to the another system present on internet.