I'm trying to initialize a memory location with a 16 bit integer and print it.
The result I get is the max value of an unsigned short. The size of val is DW
so it's 16 bits, AX
is 16 bits as well, so there is no size conflict.
mov [val], word 122
does what I want, but if initialization in the main procedure was my goal, I would use .bss
and val2.
Why is this happening and how do I actually get the value stored at val?
I use nasm prog.asm -o prog.exe
under DOSBox.
section .data
val dw 123
section .bss
val2 resw 1
section .text
global _start
; mov [val], word 122
mov ax, word [val]
mov cx, 0
mov bx, 10
mov dx, 0
div bx
push ax
add dl, '0'
pop ax
push dx
inc cx
cmp ax, 0
jnz loophere
mov ah, 2
pop dx
int 21h
loop loophere2
Adding org 0x100
at the beginning of the program solves the problem caused by a bad offset.