Calling Python static methods using the class name is more common, but can be a real eye sore for long class names. Sometimes I use self
within the same class to call the static methods, because I find it looks cleaner.
class ASomewhatLongButDescriptiveClassName:
def __init__(self):
# This works, but it's an eyesore
# This works too and looks cleaner.
def do_something_static():
print('Static method called.')
My understanding is that calling a static method with self
gets interpreted as ClassName.static_method(self)
, where self
would be ignored by the static method.
(EDIT: The above statement is only true for instance methods, not static methods)
Are there any concrete reasons why I should not use self
to call static methods within the same class?
FWIW This is a sister question to Difference between calling method with self and with class name?, which deals with non-static methods.
You make a few statements that aren't entirely correct:
Calling Python static methods using the class name is more common
It's not more common, it's the only way to do so from outside the class. i.e.:
class MyClass:
def a_method():
In this example, self.a_method()
would not work, as self
would not refer to an instance of MyClass
calling a static method with self is the same as ClassName.static_method(self), where self would be ignored by the static method
That's not actually the case, for example:
class MyClass:
def a_method():
def another_method(self):
# this is fine
# this causes an error, as .a_method expects no arguments
simply refers to the instance of the class that called an instance method (which has the self
argument, which doesn't even have to be called self
- it's just whatever the first parameter is called, self
is the convention.
You can call static methods on self
, because self is an instance of the class that has the static method, and thus has the method. You can also call static methods on classes directly, because a static method doesn't require an object instance as a first argument - which is the point of the static method.
You're fine using self.a_method()
where you like, just keep in mind that self
will refer to an object of the class the object was instanced as, not the specific class you mention.
For example:
class ClassA:
def a_method():
def another_method(self):
# prints whatever a_method for the class of self prints
# always prints 'a', as a_method for ClassA prints 'a'
class ClassB(ClassA):
def a_method():
a = ClassA()
b = ClassB()
The output:
So, you see, there is a difference between calling from self.
and from Class.