What would be the correct usage of either, BlockingCollection
or ConcurrentQueue
so you can freely dequeue items without burning out half or more of your CPU using a thread ?
I was running some tests using 2 threads and unless I had a Thread.Sleep of at least 50~100ms it would always hit at least 50% of my CPU.
Here is a fictional example:
private void _DequeueItem()
object o = null;
while (!listOfQueueItems.IsEmpty)
if (listOfQueueItems.TryDequeue(out o))
// use the data
With the above example I would have to set a thread.sleep so the cpu doesnt blow up.
Note: I have also tried it without the while for IsEmpty check, result was the same.
It is not because of the BlockingCollection
or ConcurrentQueue
, but the while loop:
while (!listOfQueueItems.IsEmpty)
{ /*code*/ }
Of course it will take the cpu down; because of if the queue is empty, then the while loop is just like:
while (true) ;
which in turn will eat the cpu resources.
This is not a good way of using ConcurrentQueue
you should use AutoResetEvent
with it so whenever item is added you will be notified.
private ConcurrentQueue<Data> _queue = new ConcurrentQueue<Data>();
private AutoResetEvent _queueNotifier = new AutoResetEvent(false);
//at the producer:
_queue.Enqueue(new Data());
//at the consumer:
while (true)//or some condition
_queueNotifier.WaitOne();//here we will block until receive signal notification.
Data data;
if (_queue.TryDequeue(out data))
//handle the data
For a good usage of the BlockingCollection
you should use the GetConsumingEnumerable()
to wait for the items to be added, Like:
//declare the buffer
private BlockingCollection<Data> _buffer = new BlockingCollection<Data>(new ConcurrentQueue<Data>());
//at the producer method:
_messageBuffer.Add(new Data());
//at the consumer
foreach (Data data in _buffer.GetConsumingEnumerable())//it will block here automatically waiting from new items to be added and it will not take cpu down
//handle the data here.