I've spent a lot of time trying to fix this but still no luck. appreciate if you could help.
This is in Python
When I run this:
import requests
import json
response = requests.post(url)
I get this:
'\n\n\n\n{\nVisitCount : "9,992",\ntotalCount : "18,018",\nnotiList : [\n\n],\nPassed : false\n}'
If I run this:
I get this:
{ VisitCount : "9,992", totalCount : "18,018,455", notiList : [
], Passed : false }
Ultimately I am aiming for extracting the number 9,992. I thought easiest way is to convert this into json, but it doesn't seem to work.
When I run:
response.json() or json.loads(response.text)
I get this:
JSONDecodeError: Expecting property name enclosed in double quotes: line 6 column 1 (char 6)
Which is probably because it's missing the double quotes in the response.
You can use regexes:
import re
number_string = re.findall("VisitCount\W+:\W+.*?([0-9,]+).*", response.text.strip())[0]
gives number_string
If you want to convert it into int
number = int(number_string.replace(",", ""))