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Subtracting value in one column from the date in another column

I have tried:

add_months('date_column',  -'number_of_months_column') 

I get:

error [3535] A character string failed conversion to a numeric value.

Is what I am trying to do possible with the add_months option?


  • Why do you use single quotes around column names?

    If number_of_months_column's data type is integer then this should work:

    add_months(date_column, -number_of_months_column)

    If number_of_months_column is a string then you must convert it first to an integer:

    add_months(date_column, -to_number(number_of_months_column))


    add_months(date_column, -cast(to_number(number_of_months_column) as integer))


    add_months(date_column, -trycast(to_number(number_of_months_column) as integer))