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How to make autospace after every 4 digit in React

I'm trying to make credit/debit card form with React. I want to make autoinsert space after every 4 digit and to force the user type numbers only. For example, if input 1234567891234567 it will become with spaces 1234 5678 9123 4567. The problem is when I press backspace the spaces can't be deleted because I use onChange event. I'm new to React, probably need a different approach. What else I can use to make the backspace working properly and how to forbid writing of letters (digits only)?

const [cardNumber, setCardNumber] = useState('')
    const handleChange = async (e) => {

    if ( === 4) { += ' '
    } else if ( === 9) { += ' '
    } else if ( === 14) { += ' '



  • Id create a state variable to hold the cc-number

    const [ccNumber, setCcNumber] = useState("");

    And set the ccNumber onChange of the input

    <input type="text" value={ccNumber} onChange={formatAndSetCcNumber} />

    And inside fn formatAndSetCcNumber I'd handle the logic

    const formatAndSetCcNumber = e => {
        const inputVal = /g, ""); //remove all the empty spaces in the input
        let inputNumbersOnly = inputVal.replace(/\D/g, ""); // Get only digits
        if (inputNumbersOnly.length > 16) {
            //If entered value has a length greater than 16 then take only the first 16 digits
            inputNumbersOnly = inputNumbersOnly.substr(0, 16);
       // Get nd array of 4 digits per an element EX: ["4242", "4242", ...]
        const splits = inputNumbersOnly.match(/.{1,4}/g);
        let spacedNumber = "";
        if (splits) {
            spacedNumber = splits.join(" "); // Join all the splits with an empty space
        setCcNumber(spacedNumber); // Set the new CC number

    Here is a demo