I am new to NgRx hence the confusion. I have a simple component which shows a list of objects e.g. Orders. It gets the list of Orders to be shown from backend using an Effect. Only problem is I want to transform this response from the BE into a simple list of objects to show in the component. I am confused as to where to transform it. I see 4 options:
This is my understanding so far. I would like to know if its correct and I would also like to know the best practice to handle this case which seems should be fairly common in applications.
you have:
a) from the component, dispatch an action - to get the list b) in component, listen to the listAction (to receive new data)
ngOnInit() {
this.store.dispatch(getListAction); // this will fire the action
).subscribe(yourList => {
// here you have the list
export enum Types {
GET_LIST = '[Store Type] Get List',
GET_LIST_SUCCESS = '[Store Type] Get List Success',
GET_LIST_FAILED = '[Store Type] Get List Failed',
export const getListAction = createAction(
Types.GET_LIST // this will be fired from component, and will fire the store effect
export const getListSuccessAction = createAction(
Types.GET_LIST_SUCCESS, // this will be fired when service return the list
props<{list: obj_type[]}>
export const getListFailedAction = createAction(
Types.GET_LIST_FAILED, // this will be fired when service throws error
props<{msg: string}>
export class MyEffects {
constructor(service: YourService) {
getList$ = createEffect(() =>
switchMap(() =>
tap((list) => getListSuccessAction({list})),
catchError((error) =>
of(getListFailedAction({ msg: error.message }))
export const reducer = createReducer(
on(getListAction, (state) => ({
request: PENDING
on(getListSuccessAction, (state, { list}) => ({
// your component store.pipe(select) will be fired with data from here
request: COMPLETED
on(getListFailedAction, (state, { msg }) => ({
error: {msg},
request: FAILED
export const selectState = (state: AppState) => state;
export const selectList =
createSelector(selectState , (state) =>