I have a table with userID
s, a table with testID
s, and a table that pairs userID
s with testID
s. How could I, using only SQL, select each userID
once based on the highest testID
it corresponds with?
userIDTable: userID 1, userID 2, userID 3
mediatorTable: userID 1 testID 1, userID 2 testID 2, userID 1 testID 3, userID 2 testID 7, userID 3 testID 5
testIDTable: testID 1, testID 2, testID 3, testID 5, testID 7
SELECT userID 1 testID 3, userID 2 testID 7, userID 3 testID 5
You want just one row per user, with the biggest testid
One option is join
s, and a correlated subquery to filter on the expected test.
select ... -- enumerate the columns that you want here
from mediator m
inner join users u on u.userid = m.userid
inner join tests t on t.test_id = m.testid
where m.testid = (
select max(m1.test_id)
from mediator m1
where m1.userid = m.userid
In MySQL 8.0, you can also use window functions:
select ...
from (
select m.*,
row_number() over(partition by userid order by testid desc) rn
from mediator m
) m
inner join users u on u.userid = m.userid
inner join tests t on t.test_id = m.testid
where m.rn = 1