I am trying to use a custom domain name on AWS Amplify.
Step 2 in the process is:
2. Configure root domain In order to use your root domain you must configure an ANAME record (also called an ALIAS) in your DNS provider. If your DNS provider does not support ANAME/ALIAS, migrate your zone file to Amazon Route53. Learn more If you are migrating a custom domain that is already serving production traffic, please wait until your new application loads successfully at the .cloudfront.net url shown below before updating your DNS records:
The values I need to plug in are:
Please note that Freenom does not have a type called "ANAME". However, there is "A" as well as "AAAA". If I use the "A", and plug in the values I receive the following warning:
Error occured: Wild cards are not allowed!
What should I do please?
To make your AWS Amplify app available under https://your-domain.org you need to create an A record, more specifically an ANAME / ALIAS record. You can transfer your host zone to AWS Route 53 as described here https://docs.aws.amazon.com/Route53/latest/DeveloperGuide/migrate-dns-domain-in-use.html if your DNS Service does not support ANAME / ALIAS records.
After you have switched your DNS Service to AWS Route 53 and the AWS name servers are in use you need to add the ANAME / ALIAS record. I found that the most straightforward way to do so is via the AWS Amplify console. Go to your app and then to Domain management. If you haven't already setup up a domain for your AWS Amplify app, follow the guide here https://docs.aws.amazon.com/amplify/latest/userguide/custom-domains.html. Click on Manage Subdomains and for your root domain (i.e. https://your-domain.org) click disable on the right. The domain status in the AWS Amplify console will say Available (with blue dots). Wait until the status changes into a green checkmark. Click again on Manage Subdomains and enable the root domain again. Wait until the status changes again into a green checkmark.
Go to the AWS Route 53 host zone. A new record
your-domain.org A xxxxx.cloudfront.net.
was added which is the ANAME / ALIAS record for your root domain to point to the AWS Amplify app at xxxxx.cloudfront.net.