As part of assignment 4, Coursera CV TF course, my code fails in
# shuffle and create batches before training,epochs=25)
with error:
ValueError: Shapes (None, 1) and (None, 2) are incompatible
Any hint at where problem might come from? I suspect bad format or type for train_batches
train_data = tfds.load('cats_vs_dogs', split='train[:80%]', as_supervised=True)
augmented_training_data =
train_batches = augmented_training_data.batch(32)
Although I am not familiar with the exact code of the architecture, I suspect it is this line:
You may be using categorical_crossentropy
instead of binary_crossentropy
for binary classification with 1 neuron at the output, but this is only an assumption considering I do not have the code and architecture to look at; in fact I am 99% that the issue is from there.