I am trying to batch process .indd
files created many years ago on old versions of InDesign.
I have 2 goals:
files without having to manually click on the
dialogs:- "Update linked images? (select 'update')", "font errors
(select 'Skip')".indd
, current versions native format, attaching _cc2020
to their original filename.Here's how I am doing so far:
// Opening files
// specify source folder
path = '~/Desktop/source_dir';
// list files in the folder
var my_folder = new Folder(path);
list_of_files = my_folder.getFiles();
// open file(s)
fileObj = app.open(list_of_files);
// saving files
// get current documents
myDoc = app.activeDocument;
// save current document with specific name
I could not find ways to suppress (or provide preset default value to) the two dialogs. Could someone please enlighten me how I can achieve this?
ps. I found providing false
as second argument will suppress font dialogs, but "update images" dialogs still persists.
// open file(s)
fileObj = app.open(list_of_files, false);
resource I've been referring to https://wwwimages2.adobe.com/content/dam/acom/en/devnet/indesign/sdk/cs6/scripting/InDesign_ScriptingGuide_JS.pdf
Suppress dialogues with
app.scriptPreferences.userInteractionLevel = UserInteractionLevels.NEVER_INTERACT;