I have recently learned how to work with Spring boot
. Now, I have an application which works locally without any problem. Now, I would like to know how I can make it available as a website.
I have got a free web host from here and have followed the instructions to create a war
file for my project. But I don't know what I should do with this war
file and how I should use it to have my web page online.
In the meantime, my code is using Atlas Mongodb
in it. Is using a database
problematic? Should I consider something special for that?
Thanks in advance,
Shared hosting like 000webhost do not support Spring boot Hosting. As it was said earlier to host spring boot you have two choices either you host jar or war file. War is the traditional way of hosting it which needs Apache tomcat server and Jar is the Modern way which supports cloud based solutions. To host your solution you can create an account with AWS(Amazon web services) or GCP (Google Cloud Platform) and you will get free credits to use for a while or you can use Heroku(https://devcenter.heroku.com/articles/deploying-spring-boot-apps-to-heroku) which is pretty much easier to use, its free also. For the database if you are using (https://www.mongodb.com/cloud/atlas) then you are good. All the best